About me

Hi! I’m Reeta Ali and live in The Netherlands. My parents are from Pakistan and Suriname. Suriname is located in South America, above Brazil. My mother is Hindu. In her language Sarnami, Tita means Hot/Spicy. And yes you will find a lot of spicy and Sarnami recipes. Hmmm, yummy :P

So you know now why my website is called Reeta Tita :D


Over the years I have looked up and saved many many recipes via the internet and cookbooks. And of course tried them all out. I also created my own recipes. I’d like to share the tastiest recipes with you, so you also can enjoy it. If I can, I will explain what the dishes are, because not everybody is familiar with the dishes of Suriname.


A few years ago I started eating gluten- and lactose free because of (food)allergies. The allergies are unfortunately not gone, but I do notice that it makes me feel a lot less full and bloated. So gluten and / or lactose free recipes will also be shared.


This site will never be finished. A recipe is added regularly. If you have a recipe that you think should be on it, e-mail me or leave a message on the website. Also for questions about food! :D