Surinam Sambal

Posted on: Thu, 08/29/2019 - 09:21 By: nedolaanen
surinam sambal

Spicy recipe for The REAL Sambal :P

So sambal is the Indonesian and Malaysian name for a condiment and ingredient that, traditionally, consists of ground chili peppers.


This recipe is for 1 jar and prepared in just 10 minutes.



  • 200 gr (or more if you want it really fiery) Madame Jeanette (also known as the "Suriname yellow", is a chili peper cultivar, originally from Suriname; rated 125,000–325,000 on the Scoville scale) or Adjuma (a variety of capsicum chinese chili peper, originally from Brazil; rated 100,000 – 500,000 on the Scoville scale)
  • 4 medium-sized onions
  • 4 garlic cloves2 dl vinegar
  • 1 dl water
  • 2 tsp garam masala
  • salt to your own quantity
  • 3 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp mustard

Preperation method:

  1. Rinse the peppers and then remove the stems from the Madame Jeanette's or Adjuma peppers, cut them in half.
  2. Clean the onions and the garlic and cut the onions into pieces.
  3. Mix the peppers, onions and garlic in a food processor and grind everything into a knit.
  4. Take a large clean jar with a lid, put the mixture in the jar and add vinegar, water, garam masala, salt, sugar and mustard. Stir everything well and close the jar well.

Note: This sambal can be kept in the fridge for 5 months