Surinam Roti

Posted on: Thu, 08/29/2019 - 09:22 By: nedolaanen
Suriname Roti

When you hear roti you soon think of Suriname. Many people think that roti is a typical Surinamese dish, but officially it comes from Hindu countries such as India, Pakistan and Malaysia. Yet it is known in the Netherlands as a Surinamese (takeaway) dish, how did that come about?

Roti is a word from the Hindu language and literally means bread. Many Indian migrants have settled in Suriname. Because they went to live in Suriname, some of their eating and living habits also came along. This brought Surinamese more and more into contact with roti. This dish was appreciated by the Surinamese population.

This recipe is for 5 pieces and preparation time is 20 minutes + 1 hour for rising

  • Ingredients:250 gr flour
  • 10 gr dried yeast
  • 1½ dl water
  • 1 tblsp oil
  • salt


Preparation method:

  1. Mix the flour with the salt and the yeast. Add the water in small quantities and knead into a dough.
  2. Let the dough rest for an hour and then knead it well again.
  3. Form balls of the dough the size of an egg.
  4. Press them flat and roll them out with a rolling pin, creating a round piece of dough.
  5. Cover the dough with oil and fry it in a pan with a thick bottom on both sides until light brown