Mango Chutney

Posted on: Thu, 09/05/2019 - 09:23 By: nedolaanen

A chutney is a seasoning from Indian and Pakistani cuisine. Chutney is usually freshly prepared. Such a chutney contains no preservatives, because it is eaten immediately after preparation, but you can add preservatives to keep it longer, such as white wine vinegar.



Posted on: Thu, 09/05/2019 - 09:14 By: nedolaanen

Naan is a leavened bread officially made from maida, an Indian white flour that is very delicate and powdery, similar to pastry flour. It is eaten most often with curry. Naan is usually cooked quickly in a hot tandoor, a cylindrical clay and brick oven with a dome-shaped top. Since this type of oven has an open flame, temperatures are often in excess of 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Typically, the dough is hurled towards the wall of the oven, where it sticks.


Posted on: Thu, 09/05/2019 - 09:12 By: nedolaanen

What’s a chapati? That’s a variation on roti. Chapati is a primal bread, so no yeast or baking powder is needed.

This recipe is for 14 pieces and preperation time is 30 minutes added with 50 minutes resting time.


Surinam Roti

Posted on: Thu, 08/29/2019 - 09:22 By: nedolaanen

When you hear roti you soon think of Suriname. Many people think that roti is a typical Surinamese dish, but officially it comes from Hindu countries such as India, Pakistan and Malaysia. Yet it is known in the Netherlands as a Surinamese (takeaway) dish, how did that come about?

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